Are you a Cool Fur Momma?
Are you known as “the nice person who owns that dog”
Have you slam dunked the coveted title of “OMG she is the coolest Fur Momma EVER”?
Take this quiz to learn if you’re at the head of the Hawt Puppy Pack or a Dog Park Downer! Give yourself one paw for each item you agree with then scroll down to see your results!
Top Seven Signs You’re a Cool Fur Momma
You’re a Cool Fur Momma if…
1. You Rock the Fashion Scene!
- You wouldn’t dream of leaving your crib without wearing dog-themed clothing e.g. t-shirt with a sparkly paw print, “best dog mom” baseball cap, golden retriever socks
- Your handbag and your pup’s collar match – always
- You bring your dog to the hair dresser to see if she can get that same “Golden Retriever blond” colour in your hair
- Your pooch has her own jewelry drawer with crystal pet pendants for every season
- Holiday photos always include your pooch (in matching sweaters!)
- At Halloween, the kids turn in their candy to YOU for the sheer joy of seeing what your dog’s costume is this year!
- You have a subscription to the Bandana-of-the-Month club and treat your fur baby to a colourful bandana for every season and howl-aday (holiday)
My score /7 paws
2. You Bring the Pawty, Baby!
- You host doggo birthday parties bigger than a bar mitzvah! Carrot cake with cream cheese icing and sausage candles… nom nom! Extras go home in doggy bags!
- You know your dog’s birthdate AND zodiac sign! You take her to an Animal Tarot Card Reader at least once a year for her fortune! You plan for any fur siblings based on the compatibility of their astrological signs!
- When you hear your favourite jam, you grab your Fur Baby and dance around the house
- Christmas songs include your dog’s name… “You know Dasher and Dancer and Hudson and Denver… Bella and Sadie and Harley and Dover…”
My score /4 paws
3. You Rock the Car Rides
- Your pooch’s doggles (goggles for dogs) match your Ray-Bans
- Your glove compartment is filled with poop bags and dog treats
- You take your dog everywhere in your Tesla (because the friggin’ car has “Dog Mode”!) If people look in and wonder if your dog is ok, the computer screen displays the inside temperature and says you’ll be right back!
My score /3 paws
4. Your Social Circle Has More Dogs Than People
- You know every dog’s name in your neighbourhood, but not the names of their owners
- You have a nickname for all your friends’ doggos “Oooooh there’s little Princess Fern of the Forest!”
- You have hundreds of photos on your phone, and only 12 don’t have dogs in them
- Zoom meetings involve your dog sitting on your lap
- When you get an invite to go out with friends your first question is, “Can I bring my dog?”
- Your dog has a say about your love life. You go on a second date ONLY if your Fur Kid approves
My score /6 paws
5. You Go On Adventures with your Fur Kid
- You take your pooch on two walks a day because he needs cardio AND a “Sniff N’ Stroll” (to stimulate his senses)
- You buy a water proof camera just so you can take pictures of your pup swimming underwater, or shaking off the mud
- When you go camping, you buy an extra bag of wood so your pup has enough logs to chew on (or you pick a nice stick for him to carry on his walks round the neighbourhood)
- You’re motivated to try paddle boarding, canoeing, dog yoga or other new sport just to see if your doggo likes it
My score /4 paws
6. Your Doggy Shopping Is A Little Out of Control
- Your Amazon orders include stuffed toys, dog costumes, poop bags, grooming tools and tasty treats
- Your dog waits at the door for deliveries because he gets to chew the box
- Pop-up ads used to be for handbags and sexy boots, but now all you see is “dog mom” clothing and pet toys
- You have space in your closet for your Fur Kid’s raincoat, snow boots, winter coat, scarf and drool rag
My score /4 paws
7. You Love Puppy Kisses, Fur and Drool!
- You leave lipstick kiss marks on your dog’s head
- You hold paws with your pooch during scary movies
- You have a door mat that says “No Outfit Is Complete Without Dog Hair”
- You keep a pet hair remover somewhere deep in a drawer. When a guest complains about the dog hair on their black pants, you dig it out. (Said guest is no longer invited)
- You leave extra time in the morning to search the house for your other shoe
- You have a bazillion nicknames for your dog (Come to momma, my little fuzzy wuzzy butter bum!)
- You bump into your Fur Baby and apologize profusely (then give cookies and go the store for new fur toys because you’re so sorry)
- You teach your dog how to howl so it sounds like “Mommmmmmmma!”
- You roll your dog over so you can kiss his belly
My score /9
How Did You Rate?
0-5 You’re an all-over chill Fur Momma! You obviously love your doggo, and sharing your life with him is one of the things that are important to you. Your Fur Baby is likely independent, adaptable and easy to please. Try adding one or more of these activities to boost your cool factor even more!